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Astrorose SpirItual Shoppe

about Liz Fogarty

Liz Fogarty has studied the many paths that help us heal through education, recovery, and spiritualism. As an educator, she has completed a BS in Social Sciences Education, an MA in Curriculum Development, and a CAGS degree in leadership. Recently, she has completed a 10 month course in Astrology.

As a fundraiser for two non profit organizations, she has collaborated with many spiritual and recovery-based healers to develop rich workshops to provide tools for spiritual and personal growth.

By practicing these spiritual and healing tools, Liz has been able to follow her dreams. As she has connected more with spirit, her world has opened up in amazing ways. Liz has healed her old emotional and spiritual wounds through many spiritual tools.

Liz hopes to introduce spiritual tools, and provide an opportunity for people to develop their own spiritual practice to walk a peaceful life. Over the years she has grown to trust in herself and Spirit to work through her completely. She is grateful to be on this path of service to her community and the world at large.


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